English Language
Idioms and Phrases Part 2 For NVS KVS EMRS Exam
जी नमस्कार दोस्तों! Gyanalay में आपका स्वागत है । पिछले ब्लॉग में हमने Idioms & Phrases Part 1 पढ़ चुके है । इसी कड़ी को आगे बढ़ाते हुए Idioms & Phrases Part 2 पढ़ेंगे ।
Every trick in the book- Every Possible way, method or strategy- आसान या सरल तरीका ( बाएं हाथ 🤚 का खेल 🏏)
On a roll- In the midst of Successes - सफलता ✌️ के मध्य में
In the Nick of Time- At a last Moment, just in time - अंतिम समय ⏱️ पर
Hard on the eyes- Someone or Something that is not visually or unattractive - अच्छा 👌 न दिखने वाला
The meat and Potatoes- The most basic, fundamental parts of something - आधारभूत
To strike one’s colours- To surrender or admit defeat - हथियार डालना या हार मान लेना
Glass Ceiling- Invisible barrier that prevents certain individuals - अदृश्य 🫥 बाधा
Rein in- To control, restrain, or limit, something or someone - नियंत्रित करना
Lost the plot- Someone has become confused, irrational, or no longer understands what is happening - विवेक खोना
Better late than never- It is better for someone to be late than never to arrive or happen at all. देर से ही सही ✅
Hang in there- To remain persistent and not give up - लगे रहना
When it rains, it pours - Problems seem to happen together - एक साथ मुसीबत आना
Both Scylla and Charybdis- To being in a situation where one has to choose between two equally dangerous or undesirable - आगे कुंआ पीछे खाई
A cog in the Machine- A small, unrecognised role in a larger system - छोटी भूमिका
Milk and water- That is not strong and impactful - अप्रभावी
A dim view of – To have a negative or pessimistic opinion - निराशावादी सोच 🤔
God’s ape- Born fool - मूर्ख 😜
Mearly Mouthed- one who only speaks, does not take action - केवल बाते करना
Full of red herrings- Someone is being deceitful or insincere - धोखेबाज
Bottom line- Essential outcome of a situation - सीमा रेखा
Full of hot air- Someone who talks a lot but doesn’t say anything of substance - हवाई बाते करना
On the back burner- having low priority - कम महत्व का
Follow suit- Take the same action as someone’s behaviour - जैसे का तैसा
Swim with the tide- act in accordance with the prevailing opinion - हवा के साथ बहना
The whys and wherefores- The reason for something - कारण
To take the veil- To become a nun - सन्यासी बनना
Net and crop- Totally and completely - पूर्णता
Cast someone adrift- To stop supporting someone - सहयोग न करना
To be its at ease- unfortunately and embarrassed - अभाग्य
Crook someone’s goose- To spoil someone’s plan - काम बिगाड़ना
All Roads lead to Rome- many different ways to to reach the same goal - सबका एक लक्ष्य 🎯 होना
A beast of burden- An animal that carries heavy loads - भार ढोने वाला
Baker-s Dozen- Thirteen - 13
To breast the tape- To reach the finish line of a competition, implying victory - ✌️ विजय 🥇
All barks and no bite- Full of talks and low in action - सिर्फ़ बाते करने वाला
Burn your bridges- To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat - वापसी का रास्ता बंद करना
In the Flesh- To be present in person - उपस्थित होना
Dead lock- A state in which progress is impossible - संतृप्त
A bull market- A period of time in which the prices of securities, such as stocks, are rising or are expected to rise. - बाजार में तेजी
Hit a brick wall- To encounter an obstacle or barrier that is difficult or impossible to overcome - मुश्किल बांधा पार करना
Armed to the teeth- To be heavily armed or well-equipped